Komplette Linie zur Herstellung und Abfüllung von Krones 1 Alkohol Hot deal

142.000 €

Angebot stellen
Hersteller Krones
Typ 1
Standort Polen PL
Kategorie Abfüllmaschinen - Abfüllanlagen
Produkt ID P240702193

Detaillierte Informationen

Zustand general-product-state-empty
CE-Norm ---------


Zu den Komponenten automatischer Abfüllanlagen gehören:

- Depalettierer,
- Flaschenspüler,
- Monoblöcke,
- Etikettiermaschinen,
- automatische und Rollenbandförderer.

Und auch Elemente, die mit diesen Anlagen in Zusammenhang stehen, wie:

- Tanks,
- Empfänger,
- Kollatoren,
- Zerkleinerer.

Darüber hinaus verkaufen wir Werkstattausrüstung, die umfasst:

- Hobel- und Dickenhobelmaschinen mit Bohr- und Fräsmaschine,
- Rahmenfräser,
- Drehbank,
- Fräsmaschine,
- Magnet- und Werkzeugschleifmaschine,
- Schweißmaschinen,
- Tischbohrmaschine und vieles mehr.

Es besteht die Möglichkeit, alle Geräte vor Ort anzufahren und zu überprüfen.

1 Bulldozer-loader Belarus 1979
2 Jelcz PJ25 MPS 1989
3 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM-D 1995
4 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM no. D001B11362X 2000
5 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM no. D001B11361X 2000
6 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM no. D001B11363X 1977
7 Universal lathe 16K20 no. 11645 1975
8 Universal lathe TUR50 no. 2418 1979
9 Milling machine 6P83G 1981
10 Frame cutting machine BKB-30 no. 1439 1969
11 Magnetic grinder JOTES SPG 20 no. 1836 1978
12 Tool grinder NUA 25 no. 5558 1990s
13 "Bąk" shredder 1983
14 Pig iron filter 1990s
15 Filter press Plate filter - 2 pcs. 1991
16 Three-candle liquid filter type 16 AFW "line 1" 1991
17 Three-candle liquid filter type 16 AFW 4T-2 "line 2" 1991
18 Three-candle liquid filter type 16 AFW 4T-2 "line 3" 1993
19 PALL candle filter 1993
20 PALL "three-stage" filtration system 1996
21 Candle filter PALL TASE 012G18JV "Malibu" 1997
22 Candle filter PALL TASE 012G18JV "Malibu" 1997
23 Candle filter PALL TASE 012G18JV "Malibu" 1997
24 Candle filter PALL SASMO53GNV50BJV 1998
25 Candle filter PALL SASMO53GNV50BJV 1998
26 Water filter PALL DAS13G16J/AB3UY0457J 2001
27 Water filter PALL DAS13G16J/AB3UY0457J 2003
28 Bottling monoblock STORK "line3" 1976
29 Monoblock STORK HVS-32/8 "line1" 1991
30 Miniature bottle filler 1992
31 Monoblock -
32 Monoblock - vacuum filler KRONES 320 "line2" 1993
33 Semi-automatic vacuum filler Robak NPR.04-10/2006 2007
34 Labeller KRONES Uniwersella "line1" 1991
35 Single-head capper type KN-1 "Line R" 1991
36 Single-head capper type KN-1 "Line R" 1992
37 Labeller KRONES Uniwersella 1993
38 Labeller KRONES BONAMATIC 960-16-4-4-140 1996
39 Cap feeder KRONES 1996
40 Cap sorter "line3" 1996
41 Self-adhesive label applicator Inlrex 200 2010
42 HOTWIND "S" type sealing machine 2010
43 Osmosis 1993
44 PACKMANN "line 3" packaging machine 1996
45 SOTEMAPECK WRAP AROUND 2022 carton packer
46 AVE RAI 24 "line 3" bottle rinser 1996
47 BONDI "line 4" bottle rinser 1996
48 COSTEC SF24 rotary bottle rinser 2001
49 COSTEC SF40 rotary bottle rinser 2001
50 STORK 03593913/94 palletizer "line 2 and 1" 1994
51 Depalletizer type 0095/K-13 from Demag 1990
52 OBS wrapping machine 15 1999
53 Single-row depalletizer Robak DNB-01-08 2009
54 Bottle dryer ROBAK LOB-25 2009
55 Semi-automatic depalletizer ROBAK type DNB 15/20 2009
56 Vacuum manipulator TAWI - VacuCobra VM100 2009
57 Piston pump Manzin "Z2 - vodka pump" 1972
58 Piston pump Manzin "Z1 - vodka pump" 1988
59 Piston pump Manzin "Z1 - vodka pump" 1988
60 Piston pump Manzin "Z1 - vodka pump" 1988
61 Pump 1985
62 Multistage pump 50Ysn-6 1985
63 Monoblock centrifugal pump "for Smirnoff with tank 16 and 17" 1992
64 Monoblock centrifugal pump for spiryl. Wyborowych 1993
65 Monoblock centrifugal pump 1993
66 Monoblock centrifugal pump 1993
67 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 65 PJM-150 1994
68 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 65 PJM-150 1994
69 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 80 Marriott wod uzd. 1994
70 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 80 Marriott wod uzd. 1994
71 SK pump with explosion-proof motor "small on a trolley" 1994
72 Monoblock centrifugal pump BOPJMr200 1994
73 Multistage centrifugal pump 50 Ysn-6 1994
74 TAPELO diaphragm pump type T120ATT "line 3" 1996
75 TAPELO diaphragm pump type T120ATT "line 3" 1996
76 SKG2.2.1110 "Columns - water" pump 1996
77 VAN compressor unit 70's
78 WDPp - 10/10 fan "trolleys" 1997
79 BESTER STA 25 welding machine no. 58791 1990
80 FALTING - 160HF welding machines factory no. 25270698 90's
81 ZEBRA LP 2824 thermal printer 2009
82 "line 3" control panel 1996
83 Circular saw 1947
84 Planer-thicknesser with drilling-milling machine 1991
85 Inkjet printer Willett430 2003
86 Collector no. 32/77400l/ 1969
87 Collector no. 33/83000l/ 1969
88 Collector no. 55/79000l/ 1969
89 Collector no. 62/9800l/ 1969
90 Collector no. 63/9800l/ 1969
91 Collector no. 30/9800l/ 1969
92 Collector no. 31/9700l/ 1969
93 Collector no. 29/9700l/ 1969
94 Collector no. 27/35000l/ 1969
95 Collector No. Z9-170 acid-resistant/9000l/ 2006
96 Tank Z-94 1969
97 Tank Z-85/1 1969
98 Tank Z-85/2 1969
99 Tank Z-85/3 1969
100 Tank Z-85/4 1969
101 Pressure tank Z-21/8500l/ 1972
102 Setter Z-4/7300l/ 1972
103 Pressure tank Z-22/8500l/ 1972
104 Pressure tank Z-23/8500l/ 1972
105 Setter Z-5/7300l/ 1972
106 Pressure tank Z-24/8300l/ 1972
107 Pressure tank Z-25/8300l/ 1972
108 Pressure tank Z-26/8300l/ 1972
109 Boiling kettle Z-syrup 1972
110 Distillation apparatus ALFA LAVAL "R-spirit distiller" 1972
111 Circulating macellator M-1/1500l/ 1972
112 Circulating macellator M-2/1500l/ 1972
113 Circulating macellator M-3/1500l/ 1972
114 Consolidator Z-9/7500l/ 1972
115 Receiving tank no. 26/35000l/ 1969
116 Receiving tank no. 28/35000l/ 1969
117 Pressure tank vodka Z-15/12400l/ 1972
118 Comparator Z-10

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Beschreibung automatich übersetzt wurde. Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Die Angaben in dieser Anzeige sind unverbindlich. Wir empfehlen, die Details vor einem Kauf mit dem Verkäufer zu überprüfen.

Art von Kunde Endbenutzer - KMU
1. Registrierung 2024
Online Angeboten 1
Letzte log in 20. September 2024


Zu den Komponenten automatischer Abfüllanlagen gehören:

- Depalettierer,
- Flaschenspüler,
- Monoblöcke,
- Etikettiermaschinen,
- automatische und Rollenbandförderer.

Und auch Elemente, die mit diesen Anlagen in Zusammenhang stehen, wie:

- Tanks,
- Empfänger,
- Kollatoren,
- Zerkleinerer.

Darüber hinaus verkaufen wir Werkstattausrüstung, die umfasst:

- Hobel- und Dickenhobelmaschinen mit Bohr- und Fräsmaschine,
- Rahmenfräser,
- Drehbank,
- Fräsmaschine,
- Magnet- und Werkzeugschleifmaschine,
- Schweißmaschinen,
- Tischbohrmaschine und vieles mehr.

Es besteht die Möglichkeit, alle Geräte vor Ort anzufahren und zu überprüfen.

1 Bulldozer-loader Belarus 1979
2 Jelcz PJ25 MPS 1989
3 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM-D 1995
4 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM no. D001B11362X 2000
5 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM no. D001B11361X 2000
6 Internal combustion forklift H1.50XM no. D001B11363X 1977
7 Universal lathe 16K20 no. 11645 1975
8 Universal lathe TUR50 no. 2418 1979
9 Milling machine 6P83G 1981
10 Frame cutting machine BKB-30 no. 1439 1969
11 Magnetic grinder JOTES SPG 20 no. 1836 1978
12 Tool grinder NUA 25 no. 5558 1990s
13 "Bąk" shredder 1983
14 Pig iron filter 1990s
15 Filter press Plate filter - 2 pcs. 1991
16 Three-candle liquid filter type 16 AFW "line 1" 1991
17 Three-candle liquid filter type 16 AFW 4T-2 "line 2" 1991
18 Three-candle liquid filter type 16 AFW 4T-2 "line 3" 1993
19 PALL candle filter 1993
20 PALL "three-stage" filtration system 1996
21 Candle filter PALL TASE 012G18JV "Malibu" 1997
22 Candle filter PALL TASE 012G18JV "Malibu" 1997
23 Candle filter PALL TASE 012G18JV "Malibu" 1997
24 Candle filter PALL SASMO53GNV50BJV 1998
25 Candle filter PALL SASMO53GNV50BJV 1998
26 Water filter PALL DAS13G16J/AB3UY0457J 2001
27 Water filter PALL DAS13G16J/AB3UY0457J 2003
28 Bottling monoblock STORK "line3" 1976
29 Monoblock STORK HVS-32/8 "line1" 1991
30 Miniature bottle filler 1992
31 Monoblock -
32 Monoblock - vacuum filler KRONES 320 "line2" 1993
33 Semi-automatic vacuum filler Robak NPR.04-10/2006 2007
34 Labeller KRONES Uniwersella "line1" 1991
35 Single-head capper type KN-1 "Line R" 1991
36 Single-head capper type KN-1 "Line R" 1992
37 Labeller KRONES Uniwersella 1993
38 Labeller KRONES BONAMATIC 960-16-4-4-140 1996
39 Cap feeder KRONES 1996
40 Cap sorter "line3" 1996
41 Self-adhesive label applicator Inlrex 200 2010
42 HOTWIND "S" type sealing machine 2010
43 Osmosis 1993
44 PACKMANN "line 3" packaging machine 1996
45 SOTEMAPECK WRAP AROUND 2022 carton packer
46 AVE RAI 24 "line 3" bottle rinser 1996
47 BONDI "line 4" bottle rinser 1996
48 COSTEC SF24 rotary bottle rinser 2001
49 COSTEC SF40 rotary bottle rinser 2001
50 STORK 03593913/94 palletizer "line 2 and 1" 1994
51 Depalletizer type 0095/K-13 from Demag 1990
52 OBS wrapping machine 15 1999
53 Single-row depalletizer Robak DNB-01-08 2009
54 Bottle dryer ROBAK LOB-25 2009
55 Semi-automatic depalletizer ROBAK type DNB 15/20 2009
56 Vacuum manipulator TAWI - VacuCobra VM100 2009
57 Piston pump Manzin "Z2 - vodka pump" 1972
58 Piston pump Manzin "Z1 - vodka pump" 1988
59 Piston pump Manzin "Z1 - vodka pump" 1988
60 Piston pump Manzin "Z1 - vodka pump" 1988
61 Pump 1985
62 Multistage pump 50Ysn-6 1985
63 Monoblock centrifugal pump "for Smirnoff with tank 16 and 17" 1992
64 Monoblock centrifugal pump for spiryl. Wyborowych 1993
65 Monoblock centrifugal pump 1993
66 Monoblock centrifugal pump 1993
67 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 65 PJM-150 1994
68 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 65 PJM-150 1994
69 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 80 Marriott wod uzd. 1994
70 Monoblock centrifugal pump type 80 Marriott wod uzd. 1994
71 SK pump with explosion-proof motor "small on a trolley" 1994
72 Monoblock centrifugal pump BOPJMr200 1994
73 Multistage centrifugal pump 50 Ysn-6 1994
74 TAPELO diaphragm pump type T120ATT "line 3" 1996
75 TAPELO diaphragm pump type T120ATT "line 3" 1996
76 SKG2.2.1110 "Columns - water" pump 1996
77 VAN compressor unit 70's
78 WDPp - 10/10 fan "trolleys" 1997
79 BESTER STA 25 welding machine no. 58791 1990
80 FALTING - 160HF welding machines factory no. 25270698 90's
81 ZEBRA LP 2824 thermal printer 2009
82 "line 3" control panel 1996
83 Circular saw 1947
84 Planer-thicknesser with drilling-milling machine 1991
85 Inkjet printer Willett430 2003
86 Collector no. 32/77400l/ 1969
87 Collector no. 33/83000l/ 1969
88 Collector no. 55/79000l/ 1969
89 Collector no. 62/9800l/ 1969
90 Collector no. 63/9800l/ 1969
91 Collector no. 30/9800l/ 1969
92 Collector no. 31/9700l/ 1969
93 Collector no. 29/9700l/ 1969
94 Collector no. 27/35000l/ 1969
95 Collector No. Z9-170 acid-resistant/9000l/ 2006
96 Tank Z-94 1969
97 Tank Z-85/1 1969
98 Tank Z-85/2 1969
99 Tank Z-85/3 1969
100 Tank Z-85/4 1969
101 Pressure tank Z-21/8500l/ 1972
102 Setter Z-4/7300l/ 1972
103 Pressure tank Z-22/8500l/ 1972
104 Pressure tank Z-23/8500l/ 1972
105 Setter Z-5/7300l/ 1972
106 Pressure tank Z-24/8300l/ 1972
107 Pressure tank Z-25/8300l/ 1972
108 Pressure tank Z-26/8300l/ 1972
109 Boiling kettle Z-syrup 1972
110 Distillation apparatus ALFA LAVAL "R-spirit distiller" 1972
111 Circulating macellator M-1/1500l/ 1972
112 Circulating macellator M-2/1500l/ 1972
113 Circulating macellator M-3/1500l/ 1972
114 Consolidator Z-9/7500l/ 1972
115 Receiving tank no. 26/35000l/ 1969
116 Receiving tank no. 28/35000l/ 1969
117 Pressure tank vodka Z-15/12400l/ 1972
118 Comparator Z-10

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Beschreibung automatich übersetzt wurde. Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Die Angaben in dieser Anzeige sind unverbindlich. Wir empfehlen, die Details vor einem Kauf mit dem Verkäufer zu überprüfen.

Detaillierte Informationen

Zustand general-product-state-empty
CE-Norm ---------

Bezüglich der/die Besitzer /in

Art von Kunde Endbenutzer - KMU
1. Registrierung 2024
Online Angeboten 1
Letzte log in 20. September 2024

Hier ist eine Auswahl ähnlicher Maschinen

Komplette Linie zur Herstellung und Abfüllung von Krones 1 Alkohol